
Tuesday 21 July 2015

Cute little Cow

Good morning,

Today's card is made using design papers and digital images from the DigiStamp Boutique and I absolutely couldn't resist this adorable, cute little cow sweet and it doesn't require a lot of colouring either so perfect for a quick card when needed.

The photo doesn't pick it up too well but the skin colour card in the background is pearlescent and shimmers really well in natural light. I took about 20 photos of this card but couldn't capture the shimmer in any of them...must try harder next time to get the camera settings correct.

Digital Images & Sentiment: DigiStamp Boutique (Cute Farm Set: Cute Cow)
Digital Design Papers: DigiStamp Boutique (Sunny: Grey Flower)
Colouring Medium: Promarkers & Smooth White Card
Embellishments: Pearls from my craft stash
Tools: Nestabilities, Poppy Stamps Die (Fresh Green Grass)


  1. This is gorgeous Donna. I love the cute image and such a fabulous layout. I often get frustrated with my camera skills but yours is fine and I can see some of the sparkle on the pretty pearlescent card.
    Hugs Sue xx

  2. Hi Donna
    your card is perfect - AGAIN!! LOL!!
    Your cute cow is coloured/shaded perfectly and it is details like this that make a card amazing. Your layout is perfect and your papers are perfect - did I say that it was perfect!!

    I know exactly what you mean about taking a picture of your card - I try and take mine outside in the natural light but on a windy day I end up chasing it around the garden!!

  3. Good morning sweetie, this is gorgeous I love this creation, hugs Pops x

  4. That cow is adorable Donna and now I'm going to have to go and have a look at the shop and you know what that will lead too!?! :)

  5. Oh my word this is just as sweet as can be!! :) Love your coloring on this happy cow and your circle layout is perfect!! HUGS

  6. Oh Donna, I love this card! it's Moovellous ;)
    Seriously, I love how you have used this image with the fab layout. I have this set but haven't used it yet, need to do so, real soon!
    Hope you're well, Jo xx

  7. That certainly is a cute cow Donna, love your card design, I have a soft spot for cows you know, strange you might think, but I really like them, I would love to live somewhere where I could look out of the window and see them in the fields, I think they're lovely, yes I know, strange! LOL
    hugs Jacee
    Simply Paper Card Design

  8. Awww.... This is SO cute Donna ! Love the layout and the little moo is adorable ! Hugs, blessings and love from Catherine

  9. so gorgeous donna.fab design and paper and i love the cute image ;D

    xx coops xx

  10. Beautiful and fun card. hugs, Helena


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